Week 3 — Art Activity — Drawing

2. This assignment was not frustrating except for the part where I drew myself. I stared at myself in the mirror too long that I started pointing out all my flaws and insecurities. I would try this again because I got to look at things at a better angle like looking at the leaves fall off my tree.
3. I for sure think if I practiced drawing for more hours I would definitely get better at it. I kept having to erase and get frustrated at how bad I was doing.
4. My major is psychology. I think art can help with the studies of perception and characteristics in psychology. You view things differently and drawings are all about perception and how you see things. Personally, I always use sketches and drawings when I am studying the brain.
5. Drawing is definitely a language. It is like music, you can express things better drawing than you can with words. Sometimes the brush just speaks for itself. Drawing is a form of communication that is expressive and can be more powerful than words.